Sell your soul to the devil and make your wish come true Sell your soul to the devil and make your wish come true Sell your soul to the devil and make your wish come true

Share: Sell your soul online and make your wish come true SSell your soul online and make your wish come true Sell your soul online and make your wish come true



  • How do I sell my soul?

    Go to "HOME" by clicking on the “HOME” button in the navigation bar at the bottom of the site , then write your name and e-mail followed by the wish with which you’ll make the pact and then just click on "CHOOSE CERTIFICATE HERE".
  • Can I get it back?

    Yes you can! You just have to pay for the cancelation fee, If you already sold your soul. Click on “GET YOUR SOUL BACK” and fill in the forms so we can find your certificate and cancel it”.
  • If I buy the PDF certificate how long will it take for me to recieve it?

    You will recieve an e-mail with your certificate within the next 24 hours
  • If I buy the physical certificate, how long will it take for me to recieve it?

    Your package should arrive to your mailing address within the next 21 business days. If your package doesn’t arrive within that period of time feel free to contact us, your soul might get lost and we might have to send you another certificate once we get a hold of your soul.
  • Can I sell a friend's soul?

    Of course! As we say in hell “The more the merrier!” MWAAHAHAHA
  • Where does my soul go?

    Through the river of lost souls all the way to the gates of Hell Mwaahahaha
  • If I have no soul will I be fearless?

    Yes! You have nothing else to lose.
  • If I have no soul will I still enjoy ice cream?

    No, no one without a soul can enjoy ice cream, and the same thing goes for chocolate.